Our long-postponed second retreat after Caddo Lake, Texas in October 2019, finally, we all completed our vaccine and got to break out the chrysalis started to travel.
In April 2021, we landed on this magnificent God’s creation — Sedona (it was under the ocean 300 million years ago). We settled at Dianne’s vacation home at Enchantment Resort. The panoramic scene was right in front of us it brought me in awes. Thanks to our fearless leader, Marianne, she prepared a wonderful program for us, so we could enjoy every moment we spent in Sedona.
Together, we did some cooking (it’s more joy than a chore), for we really didn’t focus on the food but more on the food for thought.
From daily activities, we learned Ecodyeing, bookmaking (Book of Wonderful), beading (House Sneak), flag (Joy Flags), and making suncatcher/wind chimes (with our secret thoughts hiding in there).
Of course, we did lots of hiking to soak in the splendor of nature. These activities were all to reflect our Thoughts about Joy
.” Simply put, joy is a state of being….feeling content, satisfied, and being able to enjoy life.”
– Marianne L.
“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”
– Henri Nouwen.
Therefore, we choose the theme “Cultivating Joy” to rejuvenate our body and soul on this retreat.
Here are some beautiful, joyful photos to share with you. Hope you enjoy viewing them. And please stay tuned for my report on CIVA (Christian in Visual Arts) Biennale Retreat in November.