Our long-postponed second retreat after Caddo Lake, Texas in October 2019, finally, we all completed our vaccine and got to break out the chrysalis started to travel.In April 2021, we landed on this magnificent God’s creation — Sedona (it was under … [Read more]
Cultivating Joy – My Sedona Art Retreat
ART TIPS: Magic Dots Part IV Demo – Add Colors
In this video art lesson, you'll learn how to add color to a Chinese brush painting of a California landscape. This is the fourth lesson in my ART TIPS series! I invite you to watch this painting demonstration as I walk you step by step through the … [Read more]
ART TIPS: Textures & Washes Part III Demo
Chinese brush painting consists of many painting techniques that add to the beauty of the artwork. In our first two painting demonstrations, I showed you how to add "magic dots" to provide a sense of realism and randomness like what is found in … [Read more]
ART TIPS: Magic Dots Part II Demonstration
Hello everyone! Today you're in for a treat—I thought I'd demonstrate how to use "magic dots" in a Chinese brush painting. Enjoy! — Amy … [Read more]