Amy Da-Peng King in her studio, working on a landscape inspired by her trip to Yosemite.
The painting process is dynamic. Amy says “I’m not trying to create a realistic rendering of the external appearance of the mountain, but instead seek to capture its inner spirit.” Only after intently observing the landscape in its natural state does she return to the studio to paint. She uses photos that she has taken herself as a reference, however, the essence of the place is retained in her imagination, and it is this image that is painted in a moment of spontaneous inspiration.
Art is persistently digging the Nature. Then, Nature is a mystery.
In painting, there is “completion”, but there is no “correction”藝術是對「自然」無窮的發掘,而自然是一個「謎」
繪畫上,但有「完整」,而不可能有「正確」。 – 拮「一廬畫談」李德老師語
~ Read Lee (李德 – art professor in Taiwan)
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